Thursday, May 12, 2011



World of Warcraft is a video game in which you play as a character and grow levels. Your objective is to grow more levels and earn money. When you grow levels you learn new moves. You can either be Horde which is bad or Alliance which is good. Once you have chosen good or bad you pick your skill. You can be: A Mage, Padlin, Druid, Priest, Rogue, Warrior, Death Knight, Warlock or Hunter. Here are the types of characters you can be (Alliance) Elf, Dwarf, Gnome, Worgon, Drieani and Human. (Horde) Tarun, Goblin, Troll, Blood Elf, Orc and Undead.

The main reason to play Wow is because it’s fun! Some of the reasons its fun is because you can use spells and its magical, you can get mounts like dragons and go to other worlds on Wow. For example, you can go to Teldressil which is home of the Elves or you can go to Stormwind which is home of the Humans and Worgons.

Another reason to play is because you can interact with other players. To interact with other players you can be good or bad. You can duel people that you don’t even know! And you can use Ventrillo. Ventrillo lets you talk to other players in your guild. A guild is a bunch of people who play with each other. A lot of people from my church play Wow and belong to the same guild.

Wow challenges you to learn new things like growing levels and doing quests. It also challenges you to manage your own money and buy better stuff for your character like weapons and armor. It also challenges you to learn moves and use them. One thing you can do is learn to mine or blacksmith or even fish!

Lastly one of the best things to do is go on raids! A raid is where you and some people from your guild go in a dungeon and fight high level guys and at the end you fight a boss. What is a dungeon? Well a dungeon is where you go and fight high level guys and get good weapons for your character. Usually you should take a friend with you when you go to a dungeon. I think that Wow is lots of fun!

By Caleb